First Impressions

Ok so we all know it’s hot here.  Reeeaaallllyyy hot.  Knock you down and take your breath away hot.  But let’s face it, I have lived in two of the worst weather hell holes on the planet – Phoenix, AZ and Houston, TX. So how bad could it be?  What living in those places teaches you is that the guy who invented air conditioning should be promoted to god status.  Abu Dhabi living does nothing to derail that train of thought.

Moving past the obvious weather issue, let’s tackle the big city issue…  Abu Dhabi is a large city.  Not huge, but big enough, around a million people.  Each of whom owns (apparently) a brand new car.  I have not seen a single beater on the road.  Nor anything older than about 3 years.  Also, there are no emission controls so – the air looks like it does in every other big city around the world with no emission controls – dirty.  It reminds me of LA in the 70s and early 80s, it’s hard to see the sun through the air.  Also like LA, there is a great coastline.  That means that close to the water (or on the water) there is that fantastic sea breeze that really helps to ever so slightly mitigate the heat.

Now for the really good stuff… The architecture is fantastic!  I think I will take photos over the next few weeks to show how cool some of the building designs here are.  Also fantastic?  Customer Service.  They have definitely got a grip on treating customers well in this country.

AD is a very international city and the people seem happy to be here.  Smiles everywhere and lots going on.  Because of the heat, most outdoor activity takes place early and late.  I don’t see a whole lot of movement out on the streets during midday (except for the occasional idiot newbie white girl gawking at the architecture.)

I love all of the cultures represented in the restaurants around, and also on display at the grocery store.  The produce section at Lulus puts every grocery store I have ever been in to shame, without exception.  SO many things I have never tried or even heard of, as well as all of those that I have.  I am going to be in food heaven here!  My next move is to travel to the souks (street markets) to see the array of spices and fruits and rugs and fish and….  But early.  Really early.

Things to get used to:

  • Most restaurants do not serve any alcohol. You have to go to a resort to have a glass of wine with dinner.  The good news is that they have amazing fresh juices and teas to enjoy.  Yesterday my husband had a fresh ginger lemonade, and I had a mint limeade.  Both were cool and refreshing.  I got a bottle of fresh kiwi mint limeade at the grocery store.  Wonderful!
  • There are no neighborhood bars, again you must go to a resort to get a cocktail.
  • Due to the heat, the main daytime activity is hanging at the mall – ugh! BUT the malls are HUGE, so doing just one lap in the air conditioning (if you hit all parts and all levels) is going to be multiple miles.
  • Workout facilities and classes are not coed. There are separate facilities and classes for men and for women.  I find this to be a good thing!
  • Swimming pool water is not cooled.  It is tepid.  Hmmm.
  • Taxi drivers are very closely monitored and a disembodied voice comes out of the speakers to tell them they are speeding and must slow down.   LOL!

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