India Update


I am in love with this place.  We arrived not knowing what we would find and, to be honest, our plans were somewhat sketchy.  School was the only certain thing.  We knew nothing of the town, nothing of how meals and accommodation would work, and nothing about location of anything relative to the school.  My husband jumping on the opportunity to come at the beginning of the trip (as opposed to the end as originally planned) made me nervous.  He tends to prefer things a little more programmed than I was going in with.  With 1 very minute exception, everything could not have worked out better.


First, the location here is visually stunning.  The rate at which the mountains shoot up into sky is breathtaking.  Each morning I wake up, roll over, and look out from my bed into the sky over the valley.  Sometimes the clouds, are lazily drifting up and they literally float through the room.  The temperature and feel of the air is, for me, perfect.  Humid enough to feel soft on the skin, and cool enough to require long sleeves in the evenings.  Sleeping at night with windows wide open is a luxury I no longer have, living in Abu Dhabi.  I plan to relish every minute.


All of that said, by far the absolute best part of being here is the people.  They are the kindest, gentlest people I have ever had the pleasure to meet.  Here there are no bad
attitudes.  Everything is good, everything is positive, everything is joyful.  Today is a new day and anything is possible.  Since I was young I have been told that the only limits I have, are those I place upon myself.  Here it is personified.  In fact, the beautiful place I am staying is called Sky Pie because the owner was told to give up his “pie in the sky” dreams.  Sky Pie is 5 buildings – a hostel, a yoga studio, a restaurant, empimg_1349loyee housing, and a building with 24 clean and bright private rooms with individual balconies over the town and valley.  The name is his jesting nod to those who did not believe in his determination.  The people who work there are all smiles and positivity.  They greet us each morning with huge smiles and cheerful good mornings, and each and every one stops at the table to chat as we have our tea.  Even on the mornings we opt to breakfast elsewhere, their enthusiasm is not abated.

We have not wandered far from town yet.  I am focusing on getting into the rhythm of being a student (something I have never been good at) and my husband is here taking Ayurvedic treatments.  We are able to share meals and the occasional yoga class when schedules and aching bodies permit.  img_1398
In the evenings after dinner, we sit on the balcony and watch the sunset reflected on the clouds, or listen to the light rain that sometimes falls this time of year.  We drink red wine from coffee cups, and have a small square of dark chocolate each before turning in for the night.  We don’t bother closing the door, it just blocks the air.

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