Day 1 – Arrival in Prague

So here’s is how we got here…

Before we got married we had a honeymoon plan:  A suite on Holbox Island for at least 2 weeks… no phone, no internet, no contact with the outside world at all.  The perfect honeymoon.  And then life happened.  Larry’s plan for post-retirement consulting gig didn’t fire off until the 10th of April.  According to the plan, he was supposed to have finished his first short term gig prior to our April first wedding date.  Yeah… best laid plans, etc. etc.  Honeymoon delayed.

Fast forward to the end of April when I go to visit my new husband for a pseudo-honeymoon during which I had planned a surprise trip to a very nice B&B in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.  I flew into Portland, OR and made the 4 hour drive through the Columbia Gorge to the tri-cities area of eastern Washington where he was working.  Immediately upon arrival he asked if I had spoken with my daughter and I said no.  The Columbia Gorge is pretty intense.  No talking or texting while driving!  He suggested I call her right away and so I did.  RD version… my daughter needed some help and we ended up with our granddaughter to care for.  So… honeymoon delayed again.

Life happened, Abu Dhabi happened, and here 20 months later we are just getting around to our honeymoon time.  No agenda, nobody else to consider, no worries…. We are doing it right!  Hitting 2 of my bucket list destinations – Prague and Budapest – and 1 of Larry’s bucket list to do items – European River Cruise.  And we begin today.

Our flight from the sandbox to Prague had a layover in Milan and was relatively uneventful. We arrived in Prague and our 25 minute ride to the hotel took us past some beautiful parts of town. 

Prague is centuries old, with its origins in the late 800s.  It was not of strategic interest in any of the world wars so most buildings have remained primarily intact.  The architecture is relatively preserved, intricately detailed, and phenomenal.  We found that to our delight, our hotel is in Old Town.  (The the building housing our hotel is from the communist era, and possibly the least attractive monstrosity in the area, but nevertheless the location is fantastic.)

We dump our luggage in the room and head straight out to explore.  Prague is a fairy tale city filled with stunning architecture and touched with whimsical detail in every view.   Even the shop window displays make you smile… (this one depicting Larry in our first ski trip together in high school.)

We walk the 3 or 4 blocks from our hotel to the Astronomical clock and Old Town Square, where there is a giant Christmas tree in front of the Church of our Lady of Tyn, and a Christmas Market has been set up in the square.  We hit a street vendor for a grilled sausage and some hot ementhal to split for lunch, accompanied by the requisite local beer and a cup of mulled wine.  It is the perfect beginning to our trip.

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