Travelblog – Phuket 1

It couldn’t have been more perfect for us.  We arrived in Phuket just after sunset in the twilight glow. A soft, steady rain was falling and a cool breeze was coming off the water.  We took the time to pick up SIM cards in the airport, and then found the resort car waiting just outside the terminal.  Inside the car, the driver handed us each a bottle of water and cool towel to freshen up with.  The towels were scented with fresh citrus.  Between them on the tray was a purple orchid.

At the resort we checked in at the open air lobby.  I was given a beautiful bracelet of fresh local flowers and we were handed fresh juice to sip on while the paperwork was completed.  A golf cart took us on a ride to our room through the beautifully groomed grounds, the air scented with jasmine and frangipani.  We arrived in plenty of time to enjoy a delicious dinner at the open air restaurant.  Our table was front and enter, about 30 yards from the surf.  The drizzle and the breeze kept us comfortable during the meal and cocktails, allowing us the much needed time to unwind from the flight and transfer.  We got back to our room after turndown to find orchids on our pillows, slippers at our bedsides, and a printed Buddhist blessing on top of the duvet.

I don’t usually spend a lot of time on our accommodations when we travel, but I am going to this time. I booked this trip on pretty short notice.  Less than 10 days out, when we decided that we were not likely to have any other time for travel this summer.  It is slow season here so the choices were plentiful.  For this trip I was looking for a smaller place, with a private beach and a nice room.  Bingo!  With the rain comes very inexpensive rooms, and incredible discounts on services.  Living where we do, we consider the rain somewhat of a treat, and definitely not a bother at all.  The accompanying cool breeze is simply glorious.  Yes the humidity is high, but it always is here in the jungle, and it’s just as high at home without the accompanying greenery and aforementioned cool breeze.  So back to the point… I chose The Vijitt Resort as our local base of operations.  It is a small place.  There are 92 individual villas around the grounds.  None of the villas share a wall, and all are made private by an offset build and fantastic landscaping.  You may choose to have a private zen garden, a beachfront villa, or one with your own private infinity pool.  All villas have a huge tub and a separate (and private) outdoor rain shower.  Inside, the rooms are surrounded by windows and filled with light.  The high ceilings and the sound of the rain at night easily lulls us to sleep.


On our first day here we have scheduled nothing at all in advance.  There is a spa on site that is offering tremendous off season discounts, so we opt for a couples massage.  Before the massage they bring us tea and a selection of scented oils to choose from.  We each choose the one that is appealing at the moment, and then they exchange our shoes for slippers (well mine anyway, they do not have slippers large enough for the skis Larry calls feet) and lead us to a smaller villa down the hill.  They begin by giving us each a foot massage and salt scrub before leading us into the treatment room.   Have you ever had a Thai massage?  This is the one where a tiny Thai woman climbs up on the massage table with you and uses her full body weight and all 4 of her limbs to coax your muscles into complete relaxation.  It works.  Reeeaalllly well.  Both of us walk out 90 minutes later feeling like jello.  I get my shoes back, and a golf cart whisks us back to our room where we collapse onto a freshly made bed and promptly pass out.  Complete disclosure – Larry was snoring on the massage table.  He made the 3 women in the room giggle, which unfortunately woke him up.  It makes me laugh to think about it.  The man needed to relax and that was my focus this trip.  Here we are on day 1, mission accomplished.  YAY!

This is the second time I have traveled to Thailand, including here to Phuket.  The first time was a very long time ago, many years prior to the horrifying tsunami that many know this place for.  It has changed of course, as places, people, and things do over time.  It is still beautiful.  The people here are still smiling, warm and friendly, and eager to make your time here the best that they can.  The primary point of this DK entry is to say to our friends who have not traveled to this part of the world… DO it!  Off season anywhere is a bargain.  Off season in Asia is ridiculous.  It is a loooooong flight from the US, so stay long enough to make it worth your while, but come.  Your dollar goes a very long way, and you will be amazed.  You can vacation like royalty.  The Asian aesthetic alone is worth it.  The landscaping down to the design in the sidewalks is beautiful and created with an attention to detail unrivaled anywhere in my opinion.  The focus is on relaxation and happiness.  They truly want to see you smile.  The place I chose for us is not for everyone.  I wanted small and quiet.  We face sunrise, not sunset, and the ocean here is very shallow, with a tidal beach and limited swim time as a result. The pool here is fantastic and there are a couple of great bars and of course, the obligatory poolside service.  There are 2 restaurants on site but one is closed for renovation at this moment.  I think there are maybe 10-15 other rooms occupied and that is all.  For us, at this moment, it is perfection.  Your mind picture of perfection may differ, but if it involves a beach and beautiful water, you can find it here in Phuket.

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